Welcome Information

Welcome Information

Last modified: 21. October 2022

Dear Students,

Welcome to Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences - MATE. Hereunder, the necessary information is shared about your stay and living as well as your studies in Hungary.
Welcome information with active links sent via Dream Apply to SHSCYP students, in an email to DFP, MISP, FAODAFMErasmus emPLANT+ students and self-financed students at the beginning of August, 2022.

Please, check and save our summary of what is good to know for Freshmen.


Please note that the academic year starts on 5th September 2022 with our Orientation Week. Classes for 1st year students only start on 12th September.





Students outside EU countries should turn to the relevant authorities (and their websites) at least 2 months before the beginning of their studies.

They should hand in their application for a D-type student visa at the Hungarian Embassy in their home country. With a valid student visa they can apply for a residence permit also from the embassy or when they arrive in Budapest. The student visa may take up to 60 days to obtain.

The regulations for the registration of the place of residence and the residence permit can also be found on the website of Hungarian National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (Immigration Office) and/or of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/en).

You will need the following items for your visa application if you need visa. 

  1. visa application form
  2. passport (must be valid for at least 18 months, but preferably valid until the end of your studies.)
  3. three passport-size photographs
  4. Letter of Acceptance from the university
  5. (transit visa if needed)
  6. bank receipt of transfer of tuition fee payment or a Payment Certificate from the university OR Letter of Admission from the donor institution of the scholarship if you are a scholarship holder
  7. the Embassy may ask for your airplane reservation confirmation or ticket
  8. the Embassy may ask for the proof of accommodation


Please, note that all incoming first year scholarship holders are accommodated in one of the dormitories automatically. Still, it is necessary to send the Dormitory application form directly to the dorm coordinator in Keszthely.

Pethe Ferenc Dormitory
Address: 8360 Keszthely, Festetich út 5.

Georgikon Student hostel
Address: 8360 Keszthely, Georgikon utca 5.
Keszthely Dorm coordinator:
Mr. György Pásztor: 

Students participating in international incoming mobilities should inform the Campus Coordinator about their request for dormitory accommodation via email by sending the Dormitory application form. All students participating in international incoming mobilities are most probably provided dormitory accommodation.


Keszthely is easily and rather quickly accessible by car from both Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and Vienna, the capital of Austria. Direct bus services between Keszthely and Budapest run several times a day.



You will need a residence permit to stay in Hungary during your studies. For detailed information, please read carefully the webpage of the Hungarian National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (Immigration Office) and the page focusing on Residence Permit for the Purpose of Studies as well as our relevant webpage.

During the first weeks after your arrival, some administration days will be organised so that you can arrange your residence permit as smoothly as possible.

PRACTICAL MATTERS (opening a bank account, insurance etc.)

For more information, please visit and bookmark Practical Matters.

Stipendium Hungaricum, Diaspora, SCYP and FAO scholars, please note that your insurance is expected to be valid only one month after your arrival, so please take care of the coverage of your first month’s insurance. Similarly, your scholarship for September is expected to be paid at the beginning of October, so please make sure to have enough money for the living costs of the first month.




General Information: Student life

If you are not familiar with our country, please read the Wikipedia page on Hungary


In the dormitory rooms (and most houses in Hungary) you will have clean running water (drinkable without boiling), electricity, central heating, and internet.


University canteens are opened on weekdays between 11.30-13.00h. You can buy drink and fast food in Bexi Club (Pethe Ferenc Dormitory). We have food, drink and snack vending machines in „A” building and in the dormitory. 

You can have a variety of foods and drinks, in grocery stores, market places as well as in restaurants. Vegetarian food is available also in the two restaurants/canteens of the Georgikon Campus. There are a lot of restaurants in Keszthely: https://www.keszthely.hu/turizmus/ettermek-kavezok

Hello Keszthely application: https://www.keszthely.hu/hellokeszthely/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwL6aBhBlEiwADycBICr41EGzKvPySa8GqoXydaFbtZWG4UbV9zoouS5i15VaX6GDoyjaARoCIioQAvD_BwE

Those who come from tropical countries should note that there are colder seasons in Hungary including a winter, so be prepared to bring or buy warmer clothes.


Having a laptop for researching and writing is strongly recommended, although the university campus has computer facilities.

For details of your programme and faculty, visit the various homepages of the institutes.


You can follow us on Facebook and there are two main Facebook groups for SZIU international students to share quick info about academic and social events. Please join both of them:


We provide mentoring to Stipendium Hungaricum and Young Christian sholarship holders in the SH mentor group and all other students in Erasmus Student Network (ESN). See details at http://sziu.hu/mentoring-system-1
You should also feel free to seek contact with senior students already here, they can help you a lot. In addition, our Hungarian students will be also eager to help you.

We hope you will have a pleasant time at MATE, and we are looking forward to meeting you soon in Hungary!

International Relations Centre